Health Happiness and Harmony with Homoeopathy

Homoeoapathy has much to offer in this world of stress and struggle.This is a science which actually helps you live better and healthier.
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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ahh... Allergy.....!

If we are allergic to cats, we can probably avoid cats. But if we are allergic to pollen, do we just avoid ... outside?...we just fine morning we wake up feeling a little sniffly and achy and gross. Is it that old pal allergies? Or seasonal cold?

What Causes Allergies?
Many factors contribute to allergies. Most allergies are caused by environmental factors such as pollen, dust, mold, smoke and pollution. Some people are allergic to foods and medications, which may cause more severe reactions than environmental allergens .Allergy season can make people miserable with symptoms of hay fever, causing them to want to take medications. A variety of allergy medications are available for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Given the number of choices available, almost everyone can find a medicine that will help them get through allergy season.Ah..there is no board hanging outside the medicine counter “five purchase of allergy medicines and sixth one is free”.

What is Pollen?
Pollen consists of tiny, egg-shaped, powdery grains released from flowering plants, which are carried by the wind or insects and serve to cross-pollinate other plants of the same type for reproductive purposes. When pollen is present in the air, it can land in a person’s eyes, nose, lungs and skin and causes allergic reaction. Pollen that is spread by the wind is usually the main cause of seasonal allergies, while pollen that relies on insects (such as the honeybee) to carried it to other plants do not. Most plants with bright, vibrant flowers, such as roses, are pollinated by insects and do not generally cause seasonal allergies since the pollen is not usually present in the air. Symptoms of pollen allergy may include allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic conjunctivitis as well as allergic asthma.
An allergist can help determine if you have seasonal allergies, and to which types of pollen (trees, weeds or grasses) you are allergic to. This is accomplished through allergy testing, which typically involves skin testing or a blood test. Allergy testing can be helpful in predicting the times of the year that you are likely to experience allergy symptoms

How Can I Tell if I Have Seasonal Allergies or a Cold?
A cold will usually last two weeks or less. Colds can last longer, but usually they will clear up within two weeks. Seasonal allergies last until the pollen or other allergen that you are allergic to is gone or you are no longer exposed to it.
While every cold is different, certain cold symptoms are very common and occur with most colds. The most common cold symptoms which helps one decide if one has a cold or something else

1. Congestion: This could be a stuffy or runny nose, or a "full" feeling in the head. Sneezing is also common with colds.

2 Watery Eyes: Eyes could be runny, or you may just feel like you have more tears than usual.

3 Itching in nose throat or eyes: Itchiness or a feeling like you need to scratch inside your nose, throat and eyes is common with a cold.

4 Drowsiness: You may feel like you have not had enough sleep or you just don't have the energy to do everyday activities

5Fever: Fever is rare in adults, but may be more common in children. If your fever goes above 101 degrees, it is probably more than a cold and you should contact your doctor.

6 Cough: You may have a dry or productive cough. If you are coughing up green or yellow mucous and it is painful to cough, you should contact your doctor. You should also consult your doctor if you are coughing up bright red blood or bloody mucous. This could be a sign of a more serious condition.

7 Headache: Headaches are very common when you have a cold. Congestion puts pressure on the sinus area causing your head to hurt.

Time is the Only Solution
Sadly, there is no miracle cure for a cold. They tend to last between one and two weeks and the only sure cure is to wait it out. Over the counter medications can be helpful to treat symptoms so you can go about your daily activities. Some natural remedies may also have an effect on the length of your cold or your general feeling of well being. But the only real treatment is the one thing no one has enough of...time...!

FAQ..Can I Develop Allergies as an Adult?
Yes. Even if you have never had allergies, you can develop them as an adult. Many people find that when they move to a new area, they will develop allergies. It's usually related to different pollens or other allergens in the air in the new area. When your immune system is exposed to an allergen for the first time, you may not have a reaction. After that initial exposure, your body may begin to produce histamines when you encounter the allergen again. These histamines are what cause the symptoms of allergies.
Typically, adults will develop allergies to environmental allergens, but it is much less common to develop allergies to foods or medications in adulthood. This is because most people have had at least two exposures to foods and medications that commonly cause allergic reactions by the time they reach adulthood.

Treatment :
The most vital part..if one goes through the conventional allopathic medication it does give relief temporarily but not the cure as the predisposing factor lies inside that needs to be tackled .Homoeopathy goes to the roots of the problem and eradicate allergy and that too in very gentle way. If one is taking Homoeopathic treatment for allergy or common cold there is no bad taste in the mouth ,no lethargy ,no uncomfortability ,no dullness,no burning stomach which is always a free gift with allopathic medications.
We have many medicines like Hepar Sulph , Myrt.c, Sticta,Euphrasia,Allium Cepa,Psorinum,Nat.Mur,Gelsemium and many more in our Pandora box to treat this disgusting cold.

*****A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common be comfy and familiar with it...and last tender touch..a person often catches a cold when a mother-in-law comes to visit.