Health Happiness and Harmony with Homoeopathy

Homoeoapathy has much to offer in this world of stress and struggle.This is a science which actually helps you live better and healthier.
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Its Not An End.....

If your start your day as Mary Poppins and end as Cruella De Vill then something is coming for you...stay tuned

Thursday, August 2, 2018

I’m too sexy for my hair; that’s why it isn’t there

Daily shedding of few hairs is a normal cycle. Every 2-3 months approximately 10% of the hair falls out and new hair grow in its place. Excessive hair loss and failure on the part of reappearance of new hair are factors which lead to baldness.
Medically speaking, for an adult, about 40 to 80 hair falling a day is considered within a normal range. It simply means that one may not consider getting treated for it if this is the case. However, it is also important that if one observes sudden increase of hair falling even within the normal range, it calls for medical attention and evaluation. Again, if one has hair falling within normal range but if they fall from the roots amounting to a definite reduction in the quantum of the total hair on the scalp, it calls for an appropriate treatment too. In any case, consistent hair falling over 80 a day and/or reduced hair quantum needs to be evaluated for treatment. Localized hair falling, leading to even a tiny hairless spot (alopecia) should always be studied and treated.
The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 3 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.

It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.
A number of things can cause excessive hair fall. For instance, around 3 or 4 months after a sickness or a crucial surgery, one stands a chance to abruptly lose a large amount of hair. This cause of hair loss is associated with the tremendous stress of the illness and is rather transient. Hormonal problems are also viewed as commanding causes of hair loss. If one`s thyroid gland is overactive or under active in every cases, the thickness of hair can turn into a receding hairline. Numerous women notice hair loss about three months after they have experienced the stage of pregnancy and delivery. Certain and particular medicines can cause hair fall, just as in birth control pills and antidepressants. This type of hair fall however signals signs of improvement, when one ceases to consume the medicine. Children may suffer from hair loss caused by a fungal contamination and infection of the scalp. Stress to a large extent turns up as a cause of hair fall in the long run. A sudden change of city and relocation causes incontrollable hair loss due to the change in water, most often from soft to hard water, containing large amounts of iron. Hair styles which involve tying of hair tightly, usage of tight rollers, Use of harsh chemicals or hot oil for treatment etc.

Alopecia Areata
Small circular patches of baldness start appearing on the scalp and hair re-grows in these patches after few days. This is called as alopecia areata. Persons who are affected by this condition will have repeated hair fall and regrowth of the above mentioned pattern.
In severe condition total loss of scalp hair occurs. This is called as “alopecia totalis” .Some times complete loss of body hair also occurs. This is called as “alopecia universalis”. In few people the hair re-grows . But the hair loss may occur once again. This is an autoimmune disease.

Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia):
Baldness occurs both in men and women as their age advances.
“I’m a man and I will beat up anybody who tries to tell me that I am not a man just because my hair is thinning.” :
The baldness which occurs in men is called “male pattern baldness” and is characterized by receding hairline and loss of hair on the crown area. It is generally experienced around and from age of 25 years.
Natural hair fall in a man, or male pattern baldness, as it is normally referred to, is basically caused due to male hormones, (known as androgens in a combined manner). The most pertinent of these hormones with regards to hair loss is called testosterone. In the case of a man who has inherited the obligatory and crucial genes for hair loss, a little of this testosterone is formed by some of the hair roots into a derivative referred to as Dihydrotestosterone. It is this Dihydrotestosterone that is actually responsible for and is also one of the determining causes of hair fall.
If dihydrotestosterone has been secreted, it will be present in the surface sebum (grease), which is released by each human from the sebum glands present through their skin tissue. Under such contexts when a hair is shed, the dihydrotestosterone will enter the follicle (the hole in the scalp from which the hair has come) and while inside there, it reacts in a clever chemical manner. What it actually performs is to `miniaturise` the hair root and follicle. This implies that the new hair growing through will be finer in texture and quality. When this new fine hair is later shed, the Dihydrotestosterone again miniaturises the follicle and hair root even further and thus the next hair will be finer still. This almost cyclic chain will continue until the hair is so fine that it may as well not be there at all and if this happens over a specific area, then the scalp will obviously thin over that area and hence baldness occurs. Causes of hair fall amount to even larger and dire conditions, which are actually sometimes apparent to the layman. An elementary cause of hair fall can be detected when one can normally tell when a person is thinning on the front hairline by feeling the thickness of the hair and comparing it with the hair at the back of the head.

“I knew I was going bald when it was taking longer and longer to wash my face.”:
The baldness which occurs in women is called “Female pattern baldness” and is characterized by overall thinning of hair on scalp and little loss of hair on crown or hairline. This can begin at puberty but usually occurs after menopause.

The cause for both types of baldness is attributed to genetic factors which have been inherited.

Hence all we need to do is overall estimation of the underlying problems not just considering as hairloss its actually "Going bald is not losing about hairs its about getting more head....."frankly more head to evaluate.
Homoeopathy has much to offer in this area..Medicines do wonder just no doubt about it tiny growth of hairs on scalp just make you feel the expression of youth on the face of patient.
We have wonderful drugs like
Arnica,Lycopodium,Kali Ars.,AntimCrud,Nit.Acid,Silicea,Alumina,Arsenic,Fl.Acid,Nat.Mur and much more at the service for Crowning Glory.

Homoeopathy plays a definite role in stimulating the partially atrophied hair follicles and rejuvinating hairs which has become thinned or scanty. ....

*********Women's liberation will not be achieved until a woman can become paunchy and bald and still think that she's attractive to the opposite sex....and last punch...Too much knowledge makes the head us for no loss